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Highland Terrace Bloomin' Bulb Sale

  • The corner of 2nd NW and 159th near Highland Terrace Elementary (close to 160 at Greenwood) (map)

Blooming Daffodils and Tulips in wrapped and beribboned pots! This popular sale of plants will be held the last two weekends of March. 4 pots $30, 3 for $22.50 and 2 for $15. March 22+23 and 29+30 from 11-3pm at the corner of 2nd NW and 159th near Highland Terrace Elementary (close to 160 at Greenwood). Six varieties of Daffodils and 5 varieties of Tulips come with instructions on how to plant later after the foliage dies back for years of enjoyment. These are hardly proven varieties; choose pots of either mixed Daffodils or mixed Tulips. Pre-orders available:  Presented by the Highland Terrace Neighborhood Association.

March 30

Giving Together Fundraiser: Seattle Dogs

March 30

Garden Design II